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发表于 2018-8-21 11:20 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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早上(床上)网读:【纵观大国】“今天,从美国传来大消息:留给我们的时间不多了!”这或是压倒骆驼的又一根稻草!(危言耸听吧)人工智能的开发研究逐渐深入到要摆脱人类的知识,要碰撞人类安全的最后防线了!猛然一听,便觉得毛骨悚然。已经有不少故事在发生。如最近很多国外用户反映,他们使用的亚马逊Alexa智能音箱,居然半夜经常会莫名其妙地发出巫婆般的恐怖笑声。……,被吓毛了的工程师最后的杀招只能是——拔插销。杀手机器人的出现,更是一件不可思异的恐怖事件。今年3月,霍金去世。他生前最大忧虑就是:人工智能是人类真正的终结者,彻底开发人工智能可能导致人类灭亡! 事实在告诫人们要记住:从今天起,人工智能不再是科幻小说,不再是阅读理解,不再是新闻标题,不再是以太网中跃动的字节,和cpu中孱弱的灵魂,而是实实在在的宿命。不要忘记霍金的提醒吧!人类应该及早控制以人工智能为代表的新兴科技,防止其对人类生存带来毁灭性的威胁!
"today, there is big news from the United States: there is not much time leftfor us! " this is another straw that may overwhelm the camel! ( alarmisttalk ) the research and development of artificial intelligence has graduallydeepened to the point of getting rid of human knowledge and colliding with thelast line of defense of human security! Hearing this suddenly, I felt creepy.Many stories are already happening. As many foreign users have recentlyreported, the Amazon Alexa intelligent speaker they use often makes awitch-like horrible laugh in the middle of the night without rhyme or reason......., the engineer who was scared by Mao's death can only be the last move -pulling out the bolt. The emergence of killer robots is even more an incredibleterrorist incident. Hawking died in March this year. His greatest worry beforehis death was that artificial intelligence was the real terminator of mankind,and the thorough development of artificial intelligence might lead to theextinction of mankind! Facts are telling people to remember: from todayonwards, artificial intelligence is no longer science fiction, no longerreading comprehension, no longer news headlines, no longer floating bytes inEthernet, and a weak soul in CPU, but a real fate. Don't forget hawking'sreminder! Human beings should control emerging technologies represented byartificial intelligence as early as possible to prevent them from bringingdestructive threats to human existence!

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